
Disclaimer for GbFmApps.com

All the information published on this website, GbFmApps.com, is provided in good faith and solely for the purpose of general knowledge. GbFmApps.com does not guarantee the fullness, dependability, or accuracy of this data. Any actions taken based on the information found on this website (GbFmApps.com) are entirely at the user’s discretion. GbFmApps.com will not be held responsible for any losses or damages resulting from the use of our website.

Our website contains hyperlinks that may direct you to external websites. While we endeavor to only provide links to reliable and ethical websites, we cannot control the content and nature of these external sites. Links to other websites should not be viewed as an endorsement of all the content available on these platforms. The site owners and content can change without prior notice, and this may happen before we have the chance to remove a ‘bad’ link.

It is important to note that when you navigate away from our website, other sites may have distinct privacy policies and terms that are outside our jurisdiction. We strongly advise you to review these sites’ Privacy Policies and “Terms of Service” before participating in any transactions or submitting any personal information.

About the Risk of Banned Accounts

Alternative versions of the official WhatsApp, such as GB WhatsApp and OG WhatsApp, are developed and modified by third parties and are commonly referred to as WhatsApp. However, they are not sanctioned by WhatsApp Official and using them breaches WhatsApp’s terms of service. This usage may result in a temporary or permanent ban on your account. We strongly advise against using your main account or mobile number on these versions of WhatsApp. Instead, consider using a temporary or generated mobile number. For guidelines on how to safely use GB WhatsApp or WhatsApp Plus, refer to our safety guides.

By accessing our website, you agree to comply with our disclaimer and its terms.


Any updates, amendments, or modifications to this document will be prominently displayed on our site.